Marianne Huebner, Ph.D. (she/her)
Job / Position: Director of CSTAT, Professor of Statistics and Probability, Adjunct Profesor of Kinesiology
Center for Statistical Training and Consulting (CSTAT)
Department of Statistics and Probability
Department of Kinesiology
Center for Statistical Training and Consulting (CSTAT)
Department of Statistics and Probability
Department of Kinesiology
University of Southern California, Applied Mathematics, Ph.D.
Dr. Huebner's research spans biostatistics, data quality and initial data analysis, sports medicine, modeling health outcomes with applications to breast and colorectal cancer and cardiovascular disease, and health education. She comes with experience of directing or participating in statistical consulting units at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, and at the University Medical Center, Hamburg, Germany.
STRengthening Analytical Thinking for Observational Studies (STRATOS Initiative)